Monday, January 21, 2013

Fun in the Holidays

Pie cookoff with the Fam, Love these girlies. 
Annie's Soccer Game. Cold, but so much fun!

The most magical place on earth.
Yeah, Haunted mansion. 
Uh, I have to confess I love this ride.  Toy Story, it's so fun to have the little
shooter guns and hit the targets. 

Jake was kind of into trying to do a balancing act while we waited in line. 

Entertainment in line. 

Indiana Jones, the best! 

We finally found a little place to eat breakfast on the Pier at 12:00p.m. It was so gorgeous. 
Mom and I had a little pictrue

Christmas Eve Party at my Aunt Kathy's house. 

Christmas Jammies:) Well we might have gotten double pairs of Jammies this year one from my mom and one from Chris's mommy. Haha I cant complain. 

Camera from my parents from Christmas

Three Kings Dinner! This has got to be one of my favorite traditions of the New Year

We  set off these flying lanterns, It felt like we
were part of Tangled. I couldn't belive how high they went.