Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Proposal


So I never really thought the day would come when I would be engaged.  When I was younger, I'd always wonder who my husband would be.  What my new last name would be what he would look like.  Chris and I started talking about getting married.  Originally we were thinking next year, then it moved to December and all of a sudden were both like what the heck, how about August? So we started looking at rings. One of my favorite things was seeing Chrises face as we were picking out a ring.  It was so exciting and finally it was feeling real.

The night before he proposed I could just feel something different.  My dad and mom were still awake and seemed oddly interesting in the hike we were going on in the morning. That night I couldn't sleep it was something crazy to think, "Soon I will no longer be "single," but "engaged."

We embarked on the hike up the tram both secretly knowing the tram wasn't working and their may be snow at the top blocking our way.  The hike up was a little awkward.  Chris took multiple breaks and kept texting someone.  I was a little bugged since he told me he didn't like texting, but I suspected there might be a good reason.  We were getting close to the top when some guy with his shirt off decided to run past us.  It was weird to see someone else when we had been the only ones on the trail.  I kind of made fun of the guy for running up the mountain and hiking alone.  "What a weirdo to do this hike alone!"

Finally we reach the top.  And there's the weirdo with a video camera in hand videoing the scenery.  He turns and points the camera at us.  "Chris, why is that guy videoing us?" I say. Before I know it Chris is down on one knee asking me to marry him at the top of the Snowbird Tram. Guess what I said? "YES!!!"

Little did I know, Chris had asked one of his friends and cousins to hike up behind us, video us, and take pictures. The texting was to give them directions and the "weirdo" ran past of us, alone (because chrises cousin was struggling) so he could make it there in time to video us.  It was a beautiful day, one I wont forget:) It wasn't awkward at all hiking down.  We had a lot to talk about and in between every sentence I couldn't help but say, "I cant believe I am an engaged person! I'm going to be your wife" I'm so excited to marry my best friend.

ps. I'll add a video soon;)